Missouri Department of Revenue opened up for 2023 state tax returns. Here’s how to e-file and get your refund faster!


Missouri – Starting January 29, the same day the IRS began accepting federal tax returns, Missouri’s Department of Revenue opened up for state tax returns for the year 2023 to be filed online. This is a heads-up for people in Missouri getting ready to do their taxes, with the department offering tips and tools to make this tax season go smoothly.

Filing Online and Getting Your Refund Fast

Filing online is the way to go. It’s quick, it doesn’t mess up easily, and it’s safe. If you file this way, you can get any money you’re owed sent straight to your bank account, usually quicker than if you mailed your taxes in on paper.

Furthermore, eligible Missourians might access free e-filing services via the Free File Alliance, utilizing approved software to file both federal and state income tax returns. Information on these services is available on the IRS Free File website and the DOR’s Online Filing resource page.

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If You’re Filing on Paper

If you’re doing your taxes the old-fashioned way, double-check everything before you send it off. Make sure the paper return is signed, all calculations are accurate, and include all the papers you’re supposed to. Additionally, it’s important to send the return/check to the correct P.O. Box, with specific addresses designated for individuals with a balance due and those expecting a refund or owing nothing.

The Missouri Department of Revenue has all the tax forms you’ll need for 2023 and earlier years online. You can print them out, and the ones with a special 2-D barcode can help get your taxes processed faster.

The DOR’s website is a comprehensive resource for obtaining Missouri tax forms for the 2023 tax year and beyond. These forms, along with their instructions, can be printed directly from the site. Electronic forms that print with a 2-D barcode can expedite the processing time.

Tax Credits and How to Claim Them

If you can get a tax credit, you’ll need to fill out and attach Form MO-TC. Make sure you’ve also got all the extra paperwork that goes with it. There’s more information on the Department of Revenue’s tax credit page.

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Missourians eligible for tax credits must attach Form MO-TC along with any supporting documentation to their return. Detailed guidance on various tax credits, including the Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim, is available on the DOR’s Miscellaneous Tax Credits page. This particular credit offers relief to senior citizens and 100% disabled individuals, covering a portion of their real estate taxes or rent.

Online Help and Resources

The DOR enhances the customer experience with its Tax Return Status Tracker, enabling enrollees to receive automatic updates on their return status via text and email. Additionally, the DOR provides around-the-clock assistance through its Personal Tax FAQs, chatbot DORA, and direct email support at [email protected] for more complex inquiries.

For those seeking hands-on assistance, volunteer programs across Missouri offer tax preparation services like the IRS’s free tax prep for people who qualify, the MU Extension’s taxpayer education, or AARP’s Tax-Aide.

Remember, the deadline to get your taxes done for 2023 is April 15.

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