Bank fraud in Missouri leads to guilty plea and forfeiture of over $1.5 million


Kansas City, Missouri – Stacia Wilson, a former bank vice president, admitted to a massive fraud scheme earlier this week in federal court, pleading guilty to embezzling over $1.5 million from St. Clair County State Bank in Osceola, Missouri.

This plea, made before U.S. District Judge Brian C. Wimes, came without the intervention of a grand jury, as Wilson opted to plead guilty to a federal charge of bank fraud.

At the hearing, Wilson confessed to creating $1,528,321 in fictitious loans by exploiting bank customers’ personal information without their consent. With the authority to process and create loans within the bank’s system, she used her position to funnel the ill-gotten gains to her personal accounts.

This fraudulent activity has led to her agreeing to forfeit the exact amount of the embezzled funds as part of the plea deal.

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Consequences and Forfeiture

The legal consequences for Wilson are severe, with the potential for up to 30 years in federal prison without the possibility of parole. This maximum sentence is stipulated by federal statutes, though her actual sentencing will depend on advisory guidelines and various statutory factors considered by the court.

Under the terms of the plea agreement, Wilson must forfeit to the government a money judgment of $1,528,321, which represents the proceeds she obtained as a result of her fraud scheme.

Legal Proceedings and Investigation

A sentencing hearing for Wilson is pending, awaiting the completion of a presentence investigation by the United States Probation Office.

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This case, prosecuted by Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney David M. Ketchmark, highlights significant investigative efforts by both the FBI and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to uncover and address the intricate details of this embezzlement scheme.

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